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Jun 20, 2019

Plus George was polled, he calls in.

Brooklyn's Tony Barone talks up CWA's Call Center Bill, the one in New York passed last night.

Farmworkers in New York are now allowed to organize and only have to work 60 hours a week before they can get overtime. Plus Uber and Lyft drivers want the state to reclassify them so they...

Jun 13, 2019

Plus can cafeteria workers cancel your flight, we remember Harvey Milk and what he did for the Coors Boycott during Pride Month, the origins of the Facebook and Google anti-trust case, stupid $hit Trump is doing and who shot Big Papi.

Jun 6, 2019

As Kris and Donny were arguing the same point on immigration we also talked about protestors getting locked up in New York's state capitol over housing costs, West Virginia tries to take away educators right to strike-will the Governor sign the bill? We also look at how Trump's tariffs will hurt the poor, TWU's...